Highlights for the week of Nov 12-18, 2018. As always, events are regularly added and updated, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.

Mon, Nov 12 — Veterans Day (observed)
Merchants Of Doubt

5 am-11 pm: See our post on Veterans Day free meals.

5-7 pm: Breastfeeding Class at the Columbia Public Library. Whether this is your first baby or not, being prepared is important. Join other parents for this class, which is held the second Monday of every month.

Tue, Nov 13

7-8:30 pm (6 pm social hour): Big Muddy Speaker Series – After the Flush: Columbia’s Wastewater Treatment System at Les Bourgeois Bistro. Every day each one of us does it. Very few of us know exactly what happens after we do it. What happens after we flush? Michele Woolbright, Boone County Stormwater Educator, will describe the wastewater treatment process for Columbia, Missouri.

7-9 pm: Hearing Voices / Seeing Visions at Orr Street Studios. This event returns with readings of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction by Robin Blake, Roy Fox, and Sharon SingingMoon.

7-9 pm: Movie – Merchants of Doubt (2015) [PG-13] [1:36] in 113 Arts & Science Building at the University of Missouri. “Merchants of Doubt” takes audiences on a satirically comedic, yet illuminating ride into the heart of conjuring American spin, lifting the curtain on a secretive group of highly charismatic, silver- tongued pundits-for-hire who present themselves in the media as scientific authorities – yet have the contrary aim of spreading maximum confusion about well-studied public threats ranging from toxic chemicals to pharmaceuticals to climate change.

Wed, Nov 14
Brimstone & Glory

6:30-8 pm: Center Aisle Cinema – Brimstone & Glory (2017) [NR] [1:07] in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library. The National Pyrotechnic Festival in Tultepec, Mexico, is unlike any other event in the world. For the three-quarters of Tultepec residents who work in pyrotechnics, the festival anchors their way of life. Plunging headlong into the fire, this visually stunning film honors the spirit of Tultepec’s community and celebrates celebration itself.

7-8:30 pm: Mizzou Geology Club – Youth Night in 101 Geology Building at the University of Missouri. Students (ages 7-11) get a hands on learning experience through presentations presented by Geology Club Undergrads and Grads. The topics range from volcanoes to earthquakes, fossils to caves, and more.

Thu, Nov 15

10 am-2 pm: Medicare Open Enrollment Assistance in the Studio at the Columbia Public Library. Every Thursday until December 6 (except Thanksgiving) and every Saturday until December 1, trained Medicare counselors will be available to help you compare and enroll in 2019 Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. Call 800-390-3330 for an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome, too.

10 am-4 pm: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Assistance in the Studio at the Columbia Public Library. Every Thursday until December 13 (except Thanksgiving) and every Saturday until December 15, trained staff will be on hand to help you review eligibility, compare options, and enroll in 2019 Health Insurance Marketplace plans. No appointment necessary. 

Sat, Nov 17

10 am-2:30 pm: Smith Creek Hike, just outside of Columbia. For ages 6+. Another fun hiking event from the Sierra Club – Osage Group. This hike will be moderately difficult through beautiful terrain, including 5+ miles over hill and dale, some cross-country travel as well as trail walking, and two shallow creek crossings. See the calendar event for all details, including registration info. A signed liability waiver is required.

6-8 pm: Building the Movement for Mutual Aid workshop – part 1/2 in 132 Midd

The Greatest Showman
lebush Hall at the University of Missouri. Mutual Aid Disaster Relief: A 2-part workshop. Nov 17: An accessible and entertaining introductory presentation, “Protectors v. Profiteers: Communities in Resistance to Disaster Capitalism”. Nov 18: The second part is a deeper, participatory workshop for affinity groups and individuals who are ready to get involved, “Giving Our Best, Ready For The Worst: Community Organizing as Disaster Preparedness”.

6-8:30 pm: Movie – The Greatest Showman (2017) [PG] [1:43] at the Armory. Inspired by the imagination of P.T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who created a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.

Sun, Nov 18

10 am-5 pm: 9th Fall Into Art Festival at Parkade Center. This event is also on Sat, Nov 17. Fall Into Art blends art, fine craft, music, and education to provide a weekend destination for the whole family. The show is made up of 55 carefully chosen artisans from a broad spectrum of media. Live music throughout provides a festive atmosphere.

Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!

Have a wonderful week!

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